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30 days. 465 items. Join me as I play the Minimalism Game!

I’m doing something a little crazy… I’m playing the Minimalism Game for the THIRD TIME.

I documented the first time I did it here, and although I did not document it on my blog the second time, here is the result of playing the game with all the items in one place at the end:

In case you have no idea what the Mins Game is, it’s a challenge started by the Minimalists where you get rid of 1 thing on day 1, 2 things on day 2, 3 things on day 3, and so on! By day 30, you will have removed a total of 465 things from your home! It’s a fun way to declutter your space. It starts out easy, but it gets more and more difficult as time goes on!

According to the Minimalists, you’re supposed to remove the items out of your home immediately and not keep them around until the end like I did the second time I played, but A) ain’t nobody got time for that and B) just look at all those things! Seeing them all in one place is SO DARN SATISFYING.

In total, I have gotten rid of almost 1000 items playing this game. And that doesn’t include the hundreds of things I got rid of when I first began my minimalism journey and the hundreds in between playing the games!

However, I truly think this is going to be my last time playing for at least a few years because I am literally running out of things to get rid of. In fact, I don’t know if I’m going to make it all the way to the end of this challenge… I get the feeling that I’m going to have to dig real deep in my storage area, memory boxes and filing cabinets. I might even have to count single papers as things… don’t judge me.

There’s a good chance that you also have stuff lying around your house that you don’t need/use so I’m challenging YOU to join me for my third and final (for awhile) Mins Game challenge! I’ve even created a handy little printable chart for you to track your progress!


Just remember that if you do play, it’s important to be a responsible declutterer! That means that you should NOT just toss things that are recyclable in the trash or take things that truly are trash to your thrift store so that you don’t have to deal with them.

Ask yourself 3 questions (in this order) about each item you get rid of: 1) can I sell it?  2) can I donate it or find someone else who could use it?  3) can it be recycled? If the answer to all three of those questions is “no”, then by all means, please throw it in the garbage.

And if you’re like, “nah bro, this challenge really isn’t for me’”, then that’s okay too! I will be posting the items I’m getting rid of each day on my Instagram page here. Feel free to follow along!

Let the March minimizing begin.

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